By Admin B2B Jan 10, 2025 388


Everything You Need to Know About the Ministry of Trade's Fair Support Programs

The fair support program, one of the support programs offered by the Ministry of Trade for exporting companies, provides significant opportunities for businesses aiming to expand abroad. So, what is fair support, and how can companies benefit from it? Here are the details!

What is Fair Support?

Fair support is an incentive program provided by the Ministry of Trade for companies that are exporting or aiming to export. Through this program, companies can recover some of the expenses they incur when participating in international fairs.

The goal is to help exporting companies establish a strong presence in the global market and ensure the sustainability of their exports.

Which Expenses Are Covered by the Support?

Fair support covers the following expenses:

  • Transportation costs for international fairs,
  • Booth rental and setup costs,
  • Travel expenses,
  • Other stand-related expenses.

The amount of support provided depends on the nature of the fair and criteria set by the ministry.


Which Fairs Are Supported?

The Ministry of Trade announces a list of fairs eligible for support in advance. If a company plans to attend a fair not included in this list, they can request the fair to be added to the list before participation.

Thus, not all international fairs are eligible for this support; only those designated by the ministry are included in the program.

Who Can Benefit From This Support?

The following businesses can benefit from this support:

  • Limited liability and joint-stock companies that are members of the Exporters' Union.
  • Sole proprietorships, however, are not eligible for this support.

How to Benefit From Fair Support?

To take advantage of fair support, follow these steps:

  1. Review Supported Fairs: Check whether the fair you plan to attend is on the ministry's list of supported fairs.
  2. Arrange with the Organizer: Finalize agreements with the fair organizing company.
  3. Document Expenses: Keep all expense records carefully while attending the fair.
  4. Submit an Application: After the fair, submit an online application to the Ministry of Trade within 3 months. Ensure all required documents and payment receipts are included in the application.
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Uzman Desteği Alın

Fuar destekleri süreci, teknik bilgi ve deneyim gerektirir. Bu nedenle, finansal danışmanlık hizmeti veren uzman firmalardan destek alınması tavsiye edilir.

Seek Expert Assistance

The process of applying for fair support requires technical knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is recommended to seek assistance from financial consultancy firms specializing in these applications.


Fair support provides substantial benefits for companies aiming to export. With proper process management and planning, you can maximize the advantages of this program.

If you’re looking to increase your exports and establish a presence in the global market, make sure to utilize the Ministry of Trade's fair support programs!

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Tags: Fuarlar

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